Is some advice singular or plural? (2024)

Is some advice singular or plural?

'Advice' is a noun meaning "an opinion or suggestion about what someone should do." Advice is a noncount noun (or mass noun) which means it does not have a plural form.

(Video) Singular Uncountable Nouns - Information, Advice, Knowledge
(Daybreak English)
Is it some advice or some advise?

Advice is a noun that means guidance about what someone should do. Advise is a verb that means to provide someone with guidance about something. In other words, to advise someone is to give them advice. Despite their very similar spelling, advice and advise are pronounced differently.

(Video) Is None Singular or Plural? - Merriam-Webster Ask the Editor
(Merriam-Webster )
Is some pieces of advice correct?

“Advice” is an uncountable noun, which means you can't say “an advice” or refer to multiple “advices.” Instead, it's common to use expressions like “a word of advice,” or “two pieces of advice.” She gave me two pieces of sound advice.

(Video) "Advice" singular/ plural noun #short #learnenglish #grammar
(Learn English with Miss Angelina)
Can you give me any advice or some advice?

"Advice" is. uncountable. So we say "give me some advice" not "give me 2.

(Video) 10 Words WITHOUT Plural!
(Antonio Parlati (Learn English))
Is it much advice or some advice?

It's correct to say "some advice" or "a piece of advice" or "a bit of advice" or "a lot of advice" or "not much advice" etc. "An advice" is wrong since "advice" is a concept (and thus uncountable).

(Video) Did you know these Singular and Plural?
Is it I need advice or I need some advice?

I need some advice. I need your advice. Never use it with an article or in a plural form.

(Video) Common Mistakes: Numbers #01 || Singular/Plural || English Grammar || Spoken English || ESL Advice
(ESL Advice)
What does some advice mean?

an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc. I shall act on your advice.

(Video) Grammar Tip#1 (None: Is it Singular or Plural?)
(Enliven English)
Should advice be plural?

Advice is a non-count noun (or mass noun) which means it does not have a plural form.

(Video) Person or People - Is People Singular or Plural?
(JForrest English)
How do you use pieces of advice in a sentence?

I have been given a good piece of advice, which is to get on with the harbour and leave the herring out. I shall give him one piece of advice. I am grateful for that useful piece of advice, which, of course, we shall take. Will he give his view on a piece of advice that was given?

(Video) I HATE English! Surprising plurals and singulars 😕
(English with Ronnie · EnglishLessons4U with engVid)
What does two pieces of advice mean?

The phrase "two pieces of advice" is correct and can be used in written English. You can use it when you are recommending that someone receives advice from multiple sources. For example: "I'm going to give you two pieces of advice: always budget your money and don't forget to take time for yourself.".

(Video) English Grammar: How to use 5 confusing indefinite pronouns
(Learn English with Rebecca · engVid)

Can I say two advices?

Advice is an uncountable noun and therefore has no plural form.

(Video) Singular VS Plural Nouns || Part 6 || ESL Advice
(ESL Advice)
What does ask for some advice mean?

Meaning. to ask someone what they think you should do.

Is some advice singular or plural? (2024)
Why is advice not plural?

Slightly surprisingly, “advice” is an uncountable (mass) noun in English (like “water” or “sand”), and as such it has no plural form: correct His advice was very helpful. wrong His advices were very helpful.

How do you say I need advice?

The following formal alternatives make your request as straightforward as possible.
  1. May I get your advice on the matter? ...
  2. I would appreciate your input. ...
  3. The situation warrants your attention and instruction. ...
  4. I am awaiting further instructions. ...
  5. Kindly provide guidance. ...
  6. Please keep me informed.

What does let me give you some advice mean?

an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation: I need some advice on which computer to buy. give someone advice Steven gave me some good advice.

Is pieces of advice singular or plural?

"Advice" is a non-countable noun in English, which means that it does not have a separate plural form. If you want to refer to multiple pieces of advice, you can use phrases such as "pieces of advice", "bits of advice", or "pieces of counsel". For example, "She gave me some good pieces of advice."

What is the plural form of advice and advise?

'Advice' Has No Other Forms

Advice, on the other hand, only occurs in the plain form advice because it is a mass noun, which means it does not have a plural form, making advices incorrect (only advise has an -s suffix); additionally, it is not used with the indefinite article an.

Should every be followed by singular or plural?

Every, like each, is always used with a singular noun form and therefore with a singular verb form in English because we are counting the things or people that we are talking about separately one by one: Every child in the class plays a musical instrument. Every instrument belonging to the school is tuned regularly.

What is the grammar structure for giving advice?

Use a modal verb

There are two modal verbs we often use for giving advice: 'should' and 'ought to'. Both mean the same thing but work in slightly different ways.

How do you give advice examples?

10 Ways to Give Advice
  1. I think you should… The first expression is “I think you should…” ...
  2. Why don't you…? ...
  3. Have you thought about…? ...
  4. I don't know if… is a good idea. ...
  5. Maybe you should try… ...
  6. I wouldn't… ...
  7. if I were you, I would… ...
  8. Have you tried…?

What is advice answer in one sentence?

an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc.: I shall act on your advice.

What is the most important piece of advice?

25 Excellent Pieces of Advice That Most People Ignore
  • Do what is right, not what is easy. ...
  • Dreams remain dreams until you take action. ...
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated. ...
  • When you quit, you fail. ...
  • Trust your instincts. ...
  • Learn something new every day. ...
  • Make what is valuable important. ...
  • Believe in yourself.
Mar 17, 2016

How do you respond to a piece of advice?

how to answer If some one gave me advice
  1. Thanks I definitely will take your advice, and hope to get it done soon.
  2. Thanks I'm definitely taking your advice, and hope to get it done soon.
  3. Thanks I definitely take your advice, and hope to get it done soon.
  4. Thanks I definitely took your advice, and hope to get it done soon.
Dec 24, 2018

How do you make advice countable?

If we want to use advice in a countable way, then we use the phrase a piece of advice: I have two pieces of advice for you about the holiday. We use the verb advise /ədˈvɑɪz/ to mean 'to give someone advice': I strongly advise you to lose weight.

Is there is two grammatically correct?

Use there is when the noun is singular (“There is a cat”). Use there are when the noun is plural (“There are two cats”).

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